If you can’t tell, this guy is my big brother. Which means I am lucky enough to call these gorgeous humans my family. Every year I get to photograph their family at a new location. This year when Amy and I chatted about their shoot she let me know that she was specifically eyeing a golden hour shoot. She was speaking my language on that one! We timed it perfectly and the setting sun gave us the perfect glow to capture their family. It felt like each turn we made around the park, that we found a more gorgeous glow of light peeking out through the trees.
I have to be honest I haven’t made it a big priority to time shoots around golden hour in the past. There are usually more pressing elements to scheduling like naps, meal times, soccer practices, the list goes on and on. But you guys- let’s shoot at golden hour! I am serious, I just love the way these photographs turned out. It totally made me realize that shooting at golden hour needs to become a priority when possible because it gives the images such a soft, gorgeous look.
Alright I know I just chatted a lot about the light, but also these people. I love them. It has been so much fun to watch these 2 little humans quickly growing into young adults. They are outgoing and sweet and being their aunt is such a pleasure. And I couldn’t have started this business of mine without the help of Todd and Amy, through the years it feels like they have been on staff in my personal marketing department. Thanks Miller family, I sure do love you guys!